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Premium CV Writing Service

Zoom Call & Brand New CV, Cover Letter, LinkedIn & Exclusive Perks

  • 1 h
  • 215 British pounds
  • Held online via Zoom

Service Description

Brand New Professional CV: • Written from scratch • Tailored to your ideal next role • Impeccable presentation • Formatted for success • Maximum 2 pages • To the point writing style • Strong focus on achievements • Applicant tracking system friendly Cover Letter: • Tailored to your ideal next role • Introduction to your profile • Recap of your signature skills • Strong opening / closing statements • Focus on why you should be hired • 1 page maximum • Easy to digest paragraphs Employers are 40% more likely to read a CV with a cover letter. LinkedIn Makeover: • Headline • Executive summary • Professional picture tips • Recommended banner • Experience and education • Top skills • How to build your network • Tips on getting endorsements 97% of employers use LinkedIn, we will give you a strong presence on the worlds biggest professional network. Exclusive Perks: • CV tailoring strategy pack • Interviews & job hunting tips pack Additional Information: ✓ Access to your own specialist writer ✓ Fast 48 hour turnaround ✓ Zoom consultation included ✓ Unlimited revisions for 12 months ✓ MS Word & PDF Format ✓ Fixed one off cost ✓ 100% satisfaction guarantee

Cancellation Policy

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